Chester Todd  

for Congress

Wisconsin's First District

This time, let's vote Green Party

Chester stands against the status quo and advocates for real reform.

He is a champion of peace, social justice, and environmental protection.

He firmly believes in grassroots democracy.

Chester Todd  

for Congress

Wisconsin's First District

This time, let's vote Green Party

Chester stands against the status quo and advocates for real reform.

He is a champion of peace, social justice, and environmental protection.

He firmly believes in grassroots democracy.

"I'm running as a Green Party candidate so that you may vote your values.  I believe in ending endless wars, social justice, free healthcare and education for all, and a clean environment."

- Chester Todd

On The Issues

It's time we stand up for our ideals, it's time we take on the status quo


Chester is the only candidate who stands with the oppressed people of Palestine and the end to genocide.


We must prioritize and fund public education at all levels of government. Our children are our future

Social Justice

Past wrongs have created an intolerable situation for historically oppressed people.  We must prioritize equality and pay reparations.


Healthcare is a human right.  Chester will fight for a fair Medicare for All policy that will protect all people in the country.

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